The Expressions


If you're 63 years old, you might want to make an appointment with a dermatologist.  Those weird age spots cropping up here and there?  Some of them just might be pre-cancerous, so go get checked.  

Waiting for my appointment, I read a sign about the prevention of premature aging. Use of sunscreen obviously topped the tip list, but we should also avoid repeatedly using the same facial expressions. Come to find out, repeated expressions can and will  lead to folded skin that eventually can't get unfolded. 

Too late for me to do much about my wrinkly visage. Repeated facial expressions are an essential part of the teaching profession and I've used the tight lipped mouth with piercing eyes and furrowed brow expression multiple times a day for 40 years now. Smiling also wrinkles the heck out of your face, and I frequently smile to foster meaningful relationships. Plus I find a ton of stuff in 3rdland amusing as all get out.

Pass on this info to any young teachers you know. Tell them to tone down their facial expressions. 

A blank, expressionless face now will make for smooth skin later.


marion said…
Gosh Lee, your post just made me laugh! That's not doing anything to save my face haha!
LH said…
Thanks, Marion!!!
cb said…
I second Marion's comment. A expressively written and helpful post. Even for those of us who are beyond help.

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