The Sibs

I'm at the airport.  Visited with my dad this weekend.  He had another transitional stroke last week and had a hard time pulling out of it.  When I first arrived, he was talking strangely and displaying odd behaviors.  But by today, he was talking about classic movies with me while we enjoyed our cups of coffee.

You would not believe the line for Chick-Fil-A right across the concourse from me at gate 22. The line stretches way down to gate 20.  I'm not super fond of their waffle fries, (I mean.... why waffle shape?)  so I don't get the attraction of CFA.  People could switch over to the Varsity line near gate 20 and get a chili dog or a naked dog and come away just as satisfied, I reckon. Maybe even more satisfied.  They'll never know because they all stand in that massive line that's barely moving.  This depresses me a bit. Not going to lie.

I had a late lunch, so I have skipped dinner.  Probably will regret this move, but I will get a snack mix on the flight, so I'll probably be fine.

I had some trouble down at my dad's house with a family member or two.  That's why I'm thinking of starting a club for people with bad siblings.  Any age can join and your bad sibling can be alive or deceased.  Doesn't matter.  If you have a bad sibling, you're one of us.  Sorry to all of you who have caring, fun siblings, but you are OUT of this club and you just have to deal with it. 

We're boarding soon.  I wish I hadn't packed both my sweater and my jacket in my checked baggage.  I'm feeling cold and that feeling will obviously just get worse once I'm in the air. 



Julie said…
Sorry to read about your dad. I have a bad sibling, so count me in.
cb said…
I hope your dad continues to pull out oT it and is enjoying his movies and shows. Those emergency visits are hard enough without being compounded by bad sib behavior. xo
cb said…
Also, that photo is fantastic!
KC said…
I have so many complicated feelings about siblings!!

And, I know this is probably bad to say, but I like CFA. Mac likes to put his nuggets and fries and a shit ton of the delicious sauce in a tupperware and shake it all up. It's pretty good.

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