The Staple Gun

I'm trying to figure out a good reason to buy a staple gun. With a staple gun, I could do some interesting projects.

I could attach carpet to my walls for sound proofing.

I could make small collages, laminate them, and then staple them to telephone poles in the neighborhood.

I could also re-upholster some chairs.

A staple gun could really come in handy.


mm said…
I think the best use is stapling great words and images to poles in your hood.
Nancy said…
I think kr or Brian might be able to set you up with one!
KC said…
Okay, my friend Chadd has one, and I think you need to get it. We staple-gunned large collages to our classroom walls, and it was utterly delightful. And the sound it makes is so satisfying.
Julie said…
Staple gun and glue gun--two staples of DIYing. You won't be sorry, so you should buy one!

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