The Satisfactoriness

Yesterday was report card day.  Report cards were easier than they've ever been, and yet, I felt myself drawn down into a state of despair as I approached the task, which involved assigning the grade of S to every student for every state standard in every subject area.  It mattered not if a learner completed nary a drop of work or put their heart and soul into each internet assignment.

Okay, so let's now explore my feelings.  I know this S-olution was the best thing to do right now because of this pesky pandemic, and also grades are dumb so who really cares?  Also some kids have great resources and many kids don't.  But there's something about mass assigning S's that shakes up the teacher in me. Can we at least throw out a few S+'s to those kids whose parents forced them to do their absolute best work or who just tried so hard because that's how they roll?

Yesterday when it was time for the S show, I pulled myself from my doldrums and turned on a BBC Sense and Sensibility from 2008.  Problem solved.  I found S and S to be the most wonderful background distraction. My mood elevated as I figured out how to override previous grades with the new score of S while glowering at Miss Lucy Steele and cursing that scoundrel Willoughby.  

Jane Austen, Thank you.  A million times. Time and time again, you and that crazy quill pen of yours have pulled me out of funks and fixes, coming to the rescue when life makes no sense and work tasks rattle my sensibility.


KC said…
I feel your unease about this situation, and I am pleased that the report cards are finished.
mm said…
We have done something similar here. We are doing P or NG. Last night a student emailed asking for help getting his grades to passing which honestly shouldn't be too difficult. He has zero percent in 6 classes.
I love that movie. I think it's the best one. I do want to watch the new "Emma" at some point.

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