January Writing Challenge #6: Write about a person.

In Thirdland, we're reading biographies.  We're reading 2 picture book biographies about the same person.  Then we're comparing the books we read.  I read two books about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to the Thirdlanders.  Then I made a flow map about the important events in his life.  Now it's time to write.  My piece is going to be informational, but also include some opinions.  It's going to be creative and unique.  I'm just not sure how that's going to happen yet.

I was going to write a rough draft about Dr. King for the blogging challenge, but I've been working on it, and I'm not too happy with how it's turning out.  I need to spend more time jazzing it up.  So I'm sorry to tell you that while I am writing about a person today, you will not be reading that writing.

At any rate, Happy Holidays and remember to spread some love around today in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



mm said…
I'm sure it's worth sharing. MLK Jr. is a good person to write about.
KC said…
Seems like a good thing to do.

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