January Writing Challenge #4: Write about a memory.

Have I already used this photo?  I can't remember.  I like it though.

I was driving to work one morning this week and I suddenly remembered a snippet of a dream from the night before. An image popped into my head of blood coming out of my hand or leg.   I couldn't remember exactly where I had been cut in the dream, but I had an image of blood and I remember being worried in the dream about my injuries.  That's basically all I could remember.  A quick image.  A vague feeling.

This is why I'm not crazy about dreaming. I usually have dreams where I'm doing something embarrassing, or I'm in serious trouble with authorities, or I'm bleeding profusely from a gunshot or I'm teaching and my entire class refuses to follow my directions. I have that last one a lot.  There's something kind of punishing about dreams. Life is hard enough, then I've got to go to sleep and deal with mayhem and malfeasance? Dreams get on my last nerve.


mm said…
I feel dreams are our bodies way of dealing with uncomfortable thoughts without going through them in the "real life."
KC said…
I have that teaching dream all the time. Actually, a lot of my dreams have to do with me being misunderstood.
jdoc said…
Most often I don't remember my dreams. When I do, though, it's usually a dream where I've lost one of my children, and I wake up crying. It's annoying.

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