
So we've got some framed art and a sort of energy bar thing.  When you look at it, you think, "Wow, I really did not expect that at all."  Right?

There's been some talk about bragging our way through November via the Brag Blog Challenge of 2015.  Here's some braggadocio coming your way, in the form of a bulleted list.
  • I gave birth to a truly amazing person 25 years ago, this very day. She actually CAME OUT OF MY BODY!
  • I have a son (#1) who just blew away a large crowd of peeps at his senior recital.  He was just outstanding.
  • Today I tweeted more than anyone else at the Professional Development Presentation at the High School. I spent the entire 2 hours listening to Tyrone Howard tweeting like there's no tomorrow.
So, obviously, I'm the best.


mm said…
I had to Google Tyrone Howard, and I'm glad I did.
Anonymous said…
How about bragging about Twin Tuesday--it truly is perplexing and wonderful and pondersome all in one. Love. It.
jdoc said…
Brag Blog Challenge? Where can I find the details of such an event? I may need to join in.

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