The Teach Times 2 Podcast

KC and I have a cool podcast.  It's called Teach Times Two. This is our first episode.  It's about teaching and it's surprisingly amazing.  KC did all the recording and editing. I just talked. Thanks, KC!  I hope to be more helpful in future episodes, of which there will be many.   #1 Son contributed the music.  I'm really excited about this.


Jane and I listened to the whole podcast. It was great. I thought that I had good teachers but never ones as good as you and KC.
LH said…
Thanks, Unabashed! And thanks for listening.
Nancy said…
This is so cool, just like you two.
mm said…
You two are amazing!
Anonymous said…
Wow!! This is awesome! You are such an inspiration to so many teachers! ❤️

Sarah M.
KC said…
I love these positive comments on the cast. Thanks for listening people!!
Anonymous said…
This was such a great podcast! Thanks for sharing the awesomeness of your classrooms. Steve Jenkins has a great book on animal symbioses that you could add to your ppt. The kiddos and I did an author study of him last year.
mar said…
You're both doing such exciting things with your kids! And I loved your podcast! Keep it going!
Mrs. Prost said…
I listened to the whole thing! Wow! I am blown away. Lee I hope that one kid will start to open up to feedback. I wonder what you ladies would do with a kindergarten class. Most of my kinders do not appreciate editors. At all.

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