The Snakes
New crew is awesome. I will get into a groove soon and share the tales of fun times. Right now, I'm bed-ward bound.
Quick side note: We have at least 2 snakes in the creek that runs through our playground. I saw one that was quite large today. Then I saw another one that was smaller. I'm not afraid of snakes, but the 2 I saw today were a bit too close for comfort. The kiddos told me that they're not copper heads, that they're corn snakes and they're harmless. Still, I was thinking that maybe they should be killed with a hatchet or a firearm. EcoTeacherPal said that the snakes are a wonderful part of our natural environment and a great learning opportunity. I see her point but I want the snakes to go away. They're making me a nervous wreck with their insidious slithering and basking on the rocks.