The Matador
#1 Son and Nancer. See 20 Something & Leah in the background? |
I'm having coffee in a dark and stormy room next to a rainy window view. This is my kind of day.
Last week I met up with current friend / former colleague (CF/FC) on the street. We hadn't seen each other for several years before that serendipitous moment on Kirkwood Avenue. Her 3 year old was with her, getting a free ride in a red wagon. ThreeYear was nervous about a possible storm. She talked about it at length, some might say obsessively. I told her I didn't think it was going to storm and I showed her the weather site on my phone. She checked that out and said, "But I think it could still storm and I'm afraid of thunder."
I agreed with her that thunder was loud, but I told her I love it, that I love to do exactly what I'm doing right now. Sit in the window and watch for lightning. I admitted that I do jump a little when I see the lightning, but I can't stop looking for it because I love it so. We parted ways because 3 Year was getting increasingly anxious about the weather. Later I got a text from CF/FC. On the way home, 3 Year told her, "Lee is my favorite thunder sister."
3 Year is a kid with her head on her shoulders. Thunder Sisters Unite. It's a new club. If you want to join, you can.
ps. This post is called The Matador because I was going to write about this Russell Crowe music video that made #1 son laugh about 1,000 times yesterday, but then I changed my mind when it got to stormin'. The Russell Crowe music video is hard to describe because it's extremely weird. FYI.