S7: The Adults
Goodwoman's Work |
20 Something's off on an L.A. adventure. Feeling better, but not totally up to snuff. Our vacation's over. #1Son packed up all the Goodwill stuff so bags of clutter have left the building. Yay. I let go of a lot of great clothes I used to wear when I weighed less. I've been hanging on to them for so long. Not sure why. Having clothes that don't fit in my closet was getting me depressed. Say good bye and wish them well. Another thing I've gotta work on is restaurant eatery. I spent a ton on restaurant eating last month. My next Sankalpa, possibly: I am a person who eats at home?
Feeling sluggo now. Missing 20 Something.
I'm having a great sense of well being right now.
And drinking jasmine tea.
Appreciate your kind words, Ms. G.