S7: The Adults

Goodwoman's Work
I'm trying hard to let go of thinking that my kids need or want or even listen to my little tips for living.  It's so hard to not give suggestions at every moment.  I can see they get annoyed.  I am trying to let go of their child identities and forge new adult relationships with them.  Tough stuff, when you come to think about it. I'm sure it will happen in time.  Because I AM the parent of two adult people.

20 Something's off on an L.A. adventure.  Feeling better, but not totally up to snuff.  Our vacation's over.  #1Son packed up all the Goodwill stuff so bags of clutter have left the building.  Yay.  I let go of a lot of great clothes I used to wear when I weighed less.  I've been hanging on to them for so long.  Not sure why.  Having clothes that don't fit in my closet was getting me depressed.  Say good bye and wish them well.  Another thing I've gotta work on is restaurant eatery.  I spent a ton on restaurant eating last month.  My next Sankalpa, possibly:  I am a person who eats at home?

Feeling sluggo now.  Missing 20 Something.


mm said…
I am NOT a person who likes to eat at home. It's not me even with Sankalpa, I don't think it would happen. My inner self feels the need to eat out.
LH said…
I think I'm the same way. Eating out gives me a great sense of well being.
LH said…
I'm cheering up a bit. Reading about Diego Rivera to help the 5th grade team with their unit.

I'm having a great sense of well being right now.

And drinking jasmine tea.
Lee, your honesty about the transition in the relationship with your offspring is encouraging to me. I know that I have a long way to go before I make that transition with my own, but it's so nice to see how healthy and positive (and even how emotional) the process can be. :D
LH said…
Thanks, Mandie. It's emotional all right.

Appreciate your kind words, Ms. G.
KC said…
I'm glad for the well-being. I like to eat at home. I also like to cook. This was a process I dedicated myself to one summer. I screwed up a lot of dishes, but now I'm pretty good.

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