Fall 2012 #39: The Franks

Okay, we're just past the midway point in the fall blogging challenge.  Frankly, I've got about 35 more blog posts to go. I'll probably make it, but who can say for sure?  Today I am sick and ttytt, frankly, I'm stressed.  I have a bad attitude and quite frankly I'm feeling hideous about everything.  I'm in bed, trying to work, but frankly, I'm mostly just watching TV and pitying myself.

Here's a sweet story about the new Little Red Head at Artful School. Let's get off this bad fattitude of mine. In the caf yesterday New Little Redhead came up to hug me as he does daily.  A caring adult came over, hoping to capitalize on our special relationship.  She suggested to LRH2 that he tell me what he did that morning.  The kid stared in my eyes and wouldn't speak.  Then a helpful kinder yelled from behind him, "He tore up 4 books!"
LRH2 continued to stare at me, frankly, quite plaintively.  I asked him to tell me what happened, but he just replied, "He's right."
I could sense that he didn't want me to have a bad impression of him, so I said, "You won't do that again will you?"
"No," he said frankly.  We hugged and put an end to that nonsense.  There's no way I'm going to be chiding LRH2.  Frankly, that kid's a dream.


mm said…
I appreciate that you didn't ruin the hug!
jdoc said…
He didn't mean it. Sam rips a couple of books each week and he's pretty much the best person I know.

Love that shirt, btw.
KC said…
Very sweet. He means well, I just know it.

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