The Movie
Whole day literacy cohort meeting today. I showed a little movie I made about some awesome teachers at Artful School. It was a pretty good movie, with some exciting ending music. Now I'm watching one of my fave movies of all time, The Fugitive. I should be going to sleep, but there's no way I can stop watching this movie once I catch a glimpse of it on the television set. And now I'm watching a movie preview ad for a movie that looks pretty dumb called War Horse. 3 movies, past, present future. That's what today's been all about.
JW, It always helps to have you front and center, nodding me on. Thanks for a great post workshop outing! And for great advice about taking a day off!!!!!!
KC, I'll send you the vimeo link. It's pretty ridiculous.
What's with that War Horse movie? I keep seeing previews. It looks pretty bad. And would probably make me cry.
Sarah M.
I wonder if I should put our movie on the Sisters D5 site! They would probably love it. Especially the lizard, listening.
And Dan, watch the Fugitive many times per year. You'll like it better each time. You won't be able to help it.