The Books

Psssssst.  I shouldn't be blogging right now because I am mapping out this hour to do a little work.  So, let's keep this on the downlow.  Finished Henrietta Lacks.  Didn't read the long ass afterward about cell tissue cultivation and ethics, but I did love the story.  I think that Rebecca Skloot is a darned good writer. Here's the bad part.  When I was reading the book, I marveled at how clearly she explained some tough scientific ideas.  But after reading, when trying to explain these ideas to Husbandman, I couldn't really remember the important details.  I see this as a failure of the author, not the reader.    Now I'm reading a book called Buddha Standard Time.  It's helping me let go of my anxiety about time and to do's.  Temporarily at least.  These books are good.  You should read them if you want to.
Now I'm slipping back into my work mode.  Fare thee well, mah fronds.  For now.


Anonymous said…
Work? What is work? Isn't blogging considered work? I think it is, so no more of the shushing and secretiveness. I say "blog away!"
Love this pic as well!
Anonymous said…
Blog away because it makes my day! :) Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Sarah M.
mm said…
Thanks for taking time (out of the allocated work time) to blog. Maybe I should blog instead of reading blogs. Nah, I'll blog tomorrow.
KC said…
Secret blogging ROCKS.
jdoc said…
I was supposed to read that book for book club. It was one of many that I did not read. I seem to miss the best ones.
mar said…
I'm reading your Blog sitting in our hostel in Munich- aren't you glad? This is a great pic of your family! Seeing Peter reminds me that we saw his double last night at this beer hall. All of us couldn't believe how much this man looked like the spitting image of him. Too bad we didn't have our camera.

Merry Christmas too you and your fam!
Anonymous said…
Well at least the author left you feeling like you understood and you had enough confidence to attempt a retelling, , while the accountant failed even at that. Now, who are those people that present information and processes so well their audience uses it for life. I call that kind of expert a teacher. JJB

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