The Trip

I heard 4 talks yesterday. 3 were quite good. 1 was pretty bad and I felt the speaker was doing some teacher bashing. At the break I ranted just a very wee bit about the condescending speaker and one of my colleagues said, "Lee gets all worked up sometimes. When she does it with me, I just leave."
I said, "I don't get worked up so be quiet."
A bit terse, but obviously I needed to set the record straight.
We ate dinner at Loteria a great Mexican restaurant. Loteria is a card game that's played a little like bingo. Replicas of the cool loteria cards were all over the restaurant. I had cactus as a side dish. All very good.


KC said…
she said that right in front of you???
Anonymous said…
"Worked up?" How mealy-mouthed! If she "just leave(s)" when you are "worked up," she obviously doesn't understand or share a passion for teaching and the teaching profession. Now I'm worked up. Who said that? I may have to punch her out.

LH said…
I'm thinking that you punching this person out would be AWESOME!
KC said…
this person is not my fave, ttytt.

it's a colleague's job to either share in the getting worked up or to listen and nod with empathy.

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