The Colors

With a few spare minutes on Friday afternoon, I decided to wander into kindergarten.
The K's were huddled around their teacher who was frenetically tearing open scissor packages.
"She needs help!" a K yelled out to me.
I jumped into the fray and ripped open scissor and glue stick packs like they were going out of style.
By the time I left, the K's were working on their Kissing Hand activity.

The Literacy Worker strikes again.


Anonymous said…
So that's what a literacy coach does. I love the Kissing Hand project and book.
I have the Toll books for you. Let me know when you want to stop by.
cb said…
Many people from my high school quoted Carey in the yearbook for senior year: Maybe I'll go to Amsterdam/Maybe I'll go to Rome . . ."
I love Joni Mitchell.
Anonymous said…
I sent a package to J's house. It will be delivered on Wednesday. Will someone pick it up?


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