The Driving
3 days in NorthLand this week, learning about testing little kids, using a palm pilot. The 7 tests are called "probes." The palmpilot test is mandated by the state because we've failed the state tests for so many years in a row. A lot of people in the state are in the same boat. The room was filled with new literacy workers learning how to give the test. As the speaker perkily described the miracles the test would create for us, literacy workers practiced in pairs. My partner kept looking up at me and saying stuff like, "This doesn't really test vocabulary, does it?" or "Why would we want kids segmenting words like this? That's not how people talk or read." If you hear of your school going for the palm pilot test, try to raise a ruckus about it. I've tried a bit, but "mandated by the state" is a phrase that really ends conversations quickly.
So here I go, off for another round. The good thing is this: Teendaughter and #1 son make quite good mix CD's and I get to listen to some surprising music as I drive the miniature van.
So here I go, off for another round. The good thing is this: Teendaughter and #1 son make quite good mix CD's and I get to listen to some surprising music as I drive the miniature van.