The Worker

I have a new job. I'm not a teacher anymore. I'm a literacy worker. The actual title is literacy coach, but I don't like that title, so I'm renaming my position. I get to stay at my school so I will still see the peeps. Very happy about that. All summer I've been excited about the new job, but today I'm a little sad. Because I'm not going out to buy the supplies. And some other reasons too.
I'm heading in to learn more about the requirements and expectations of my new position. It's just a 2 year gig because I'm getting paid with stimulus $ (thanks, Barack!), so I will be a teacher again in future. I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said…
I cried the first day of school my first year as a librarian.
Anonymous said…
I think you will still need some supplies. Go get some!
KC said…
i agree with N, you'll need excellent supplied. probably the best pens you've ever bought.
KC said…
uh, supplieS.
Julie Anna said…
congrats on your new job! Glad to see you are home safely!
Anonymous said…
You guys should rent a pontoon. It'd be a fun family thing to do before this summer ends. Ask KVanders...she always does the renting for us each summer.
Anonymous said…
Congrats! That's really cool. What will you be doing? Will you work with all grades or focus on some of them? -J

ps-when do we get more info about your trip???
Anonymous said…
I hope you get in touch with Cathy Toll. She's on FB. You can find her on my list of friends if you don't already have her on your list.

LH said…
Hey J,
Did you see that I put descriptions of the Kabul trip under an earlier post, in the comments section? I should have been more explicit about that. Are you home for awhile now?

D, I would like to get in touch with her, but I need an intro!
Anonymous said…
Ok, I'll set up the intro. Meanwhile, you may want to purchase her book, if you don't already have it.

Anonymous said…
PS: If you go to Amazon, Cathy's books are available at discount, and even some cheaper used ones.

Anonymous said…
PPS: After you read Cathy's stuff, you'll know what "supplies" you need.

LH said…
I'll get it today. thx.

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