The Turtle
A snapping turtle tried to pull down a gosling yesterday, over at Mitzi's pond. Luckily a guy named Todd was there. Todd grabbed a big pole and wailed on the turtle with forceful vehemence, rescuing the gosling, who came ashore to rejoin sibs and honking parents. Falling in line, the gosling walked with a decided limp.
And I've been noticing the mixing of the species in zoos lately. Not sure it's a good trend.
New problem is these duckies have become quite the "tourist attraction." Last week there was what must have been some sort of moms' play date group hanging out on the bridge over the pond.
Problem? Some of the toddler-holding-moms left the bridge and were edging ever further into the nesting area. Geez, people! Leave the wildlife alone! I was wishing and hoping the parent ducks would attack.
They didn't. At least not while I was watching from my third floor window. Too bad.
I'm with you. leave the wildlife alone. Look, but maintain a respectful distance. That's basic wildlife 1A.
And, If you absolutely NEEd to put a snapping turtle in a trash can, return it later to its proper home.
I'm loving summer, btw.