The Comment
Savvymom understands my need to check my email every 15 minutes or so. I was so excited to click on to my edublog to find that one of the peeps had commented. "Woohoo!" I yelled. "Peep comment!"
But... sad news, instead of a "reunited and it feels so good" kind of comment, I was disprited to read the mean spirited directive, "You bitch! Suck balls." It kind of hurt my feelings to tell you the truth. But then we went to the zoo and I just let it all go. I have hardly thought about it since.
I'm trying to decide if I want to apply for a literacy coach job. It's only a one to two year gig, but it might be a nice break from peeps telling me to suck balls. I'll probably apply and then figure out what to do later, if I get the job. I heard today that many people are applying. Not sure what I want to do, but I'll keep you posted.
Today smartiepants Sarah M. came over to teach us about podcasting. We made a trial podcast here. It's pretty good. Give us some feedback, but please, let's be civil. Remember, it's nice to build people up, rather than tear them down. KIND and TRUE! How hard can that be?
Since I'm not getting much done today, I think I'll just watch Twilight again. Good idea???