The Election

I would like to help with the election, but I only want to do jobs where I don't have to talk to other people.  Licking envelopes, or maybe making bag lunches for the people doing the hard job of talking to others.  I think I will buy a yard sign this weekend.  


LH said…
A kid in my class yesterday came up to me and said, "I'm voting for Barack Obama. Do you know why?
Me: No, A, why?
a: Because I think he would be good for the country and do you know why else?
Me: No, why, honey?
a: Because when you stare into John McCain's eyes, when you really stare right into his eyes....(long pause)....
you can tell he's evil.

this made me lol, i looked into mccain's eyes last night and he didn't really look evil to me, but he did look a little odd.
Julie Anna said…
HA! This kid is on to something. And I'm with you on the talking to other's thing. I never want to interrupt anyone doing anything. But what else can we DO?
KC said…
dan signed us up to door knock. i hate doorknocking, but i'll do it this once.
LH said…
WE could just post Obama pix on our blogs. that could really influence others. You know, with our wide readership.
Anonymous said…
Well, you influenced me to purchase a car magnet. That helped a little.

Next I'll be making a donation to Planned Parenthood in the name of Sarah Palin. While I realize it won't change the outcome of the election, it will give me a little frisson of pleasure -- in addition to the good work PP will do with the money -- so at least it's doing double duty.

LH said…
the fun thing about the car magnet is this: I can surreptitiously put it on cars of republicans. I know a few of them.

Next I might buy a t-shirt. They have some good products on that site.

Lovely to hear from you mmdear!

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