The Fun

We had a heavy week of testing this week.  ISTEP testing.  I do not care for ISTEP testing.  One kid cried through much of it, asserting over and over again, "I can't read this!"  He was right of course, but I cajoled him into filling in circles.  He did not want to do that and who can blame him?  I felt a bit like a rat. I probably should have told him to sit and draw.  We have one more test next week.  Then we take ISTEP again in spring.  And we're adding a 4 times a year 3 hour test called "Acuity."  And we still will take NWEA 3 times a year, another 3 hour computerized test.  So we've got testing covered.  Please don't have any doubts about that.


KC said…
the testing is the worst. in high school, sometimes they don't try on the test as a big f-u to the system, and then we become a failing school.

why do they make us do the testing?
Anonymous said…
I had to practically carry a little second grader from the computer lab as his class was taking the Rigby Reading test. He is so small the chair doesn't even fit him and he has to stretch his neck to see the screen. His shirt was soaked from wiping his nose and his eyes. I almost started crying as well. We took a nice little walk outside and talked about the Colts great come back on Sunday. I told him he was done with the test. He can read and we know it.
This is just on the heels of his p's telling his teacher that he was feeling great about himself as a reader. He had a great summer and a wonderful beginning of the school year.
And I'm a librarian. What message does this send to the kids.
And I'm a librarian. Why the hell am I involved?
And I'm a librarian. What happening up in the library while I'm downstairs.

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