The Orchestra

#1 son did not want to come along for our evening at the park, listening to the local symphony orchestra.  But I saw him having fun, walking and talking with pals.
So I suggested that he should thank me for forcing him to go, but he refused to do it.  He freely admitted that he had a good time but insisted I should not have forced him to go.  When will this kid learn that I know what's best???  WHEN??? 


Anonymous said…
"When will this kid learn that I know what's best??? WHEN??? "

when he's 40, (or 18 if you're very unlucky).

can't wait to see you guys on the left coast!
Twinkie said…
He knows it all now.... so how could you know what's best? ;)
LH said…
I hope I'm lucky. HOPE HOPE HOPE!

I can not wait to see you too!!!
LH said…
Twink, You are so right.
Anonymous said…
shef is going to grow up just like this. i'm absolutely sure of it. lucky #1 is so cute. that's what i say about shef, too.
LH said…
Yes, the cuteness does help. But we've been doing a tough love program lately and I have to say, the kid is TOUGH!
p.s. I love Shefster!

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