The Word
"He said the fuck word?" I asked her. I was a little surprised because he has been fairly zoned out of late. But I got my chance to hear KWMP curse with my own ears yesterday morning when he got angry with another kid and did some screaming that I found distracting to the learning environment. I asked him politely to move away from the group to calm down. "Fuck YOU!" he shouted at me. My surprise was such that I started to laugh a little, but I managed to look down and suppress my mirth as I walked over to him and told him that he needed to go to the office. He yelled a bunch of stuff about me going to hell, but somehow he followed me out the door and ended up soon thereafter at the princiPAL's place. Later he apologized and we all continued with our learning.
Sorry to hear that the med titration on KWMP isn't yet complete.
just on its own.
kwmp seemed calmer today. He did a lot of drawing. Your tax dollars at work!
p.s. and I think your readers are overdue for a Teen Daughter update.