The Movies

I'm a little sad after watching Infamous, a movie about Truman Capote. He's more sympathetic in this film. The two movies provide contrasting pictures of Capote, a guy who played around with truth and fiction himself. Check it out this holiday season. I'd really like someone I know to rent both Infamous and Capote and then report on both films using a Venn Diagram. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
I'm all over that.
Anonymous said…
how bout a pic of the red foil tree?
Anonymous said…
That's a great idea. I'd love to see it decorated.
LH said…
i'm a little embarrassed by the red tree.
I showed a foto to some sixers and they were appalled. I think it looks better in real life than in fotos, but I could just be deluding myself. i do that a lot.
KC said…
we're calling the venn diagram the "double bubble map" these days. it's by a different researcher whose name is not Venn.
LH said…
i feel kind of sorry for venn.
hadn't heard of this new appelation.
thx for the info ms kc.

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