The Vote

Posted by Picasa We voted this morning. Maybe things will go our way and the war will end and we'll save the country from ruin. So optimistic am I about our democracy. Not sure why since I, in my insomnia, listened to the radio all night long and heard tales about our problematic voting machines. I'm pushing that behind me and looking ahead. Don't wanna be nosy, but you voted today, right??? If you need a ride to the polls, let me know. I have the day off.

These almond joys were gifts from the sixers and cincos. I told them they were my favorite. They hate them so I got a ton and just kept eating them all day in class. The sixers and cincos didn't mind a bit. And I was pleased of course because Almond Joys are so indescribably delicious.


Anonymous said…
Left-over Halloween candy is ALMOST as good as left-over Thanksgiving turkey sandwiches!!!
KC said…
GREAT idea. I should have tried that with the sophs, except I don't think it would have worked.

I voted today, and I'm hopeful, but nervous. Dems in MN keep putting up crappy candidates that I'm forced to vote for only because their dems.
Julie Anna said…
I voted absentee a couple of weeks ago. I sort of missed the election day hub-bub by not being a the polls on the big day, but I got a sudden nervous twitch about the voting machines and decided to go with the paper trail thingee. But it's Wednesday now...and we woke to good news!

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