The Camera

When I was in college, I got into the habit of asking people for their possessions from time to time. If I liked something, I would just suggest that my pal should give it to me. I was often pleasantly surprised to find that people would accomodate my request. So when Menosky was showing off her brand new coolio camera at lunch yesterday, I said, "Hey what about your old camera? What are you going to do with that? Should I have it, do you think???" Sure enough, that baby's mine. AWESOME! MENOSKY ROCKS! Husbandman's appalled, but I say, try it sometime, ask for what you want. It's like David Byrne always says, "Be a little more selfish, it might do you some good."
Adorable Alice as LRRHood. Foto credit: Janet


Anonymous said…

i have just regaled Kate with many stories of "Can I have this?" One would never quite know what was in your hand when the question crossed your lips. I always loved hearing you chuckle when someone who was not familiar with the tradition paused with that blank stare.

Ahhh life is indeed good.

Love you,

LH said…
It takes some people longer to hand over the goods than others. But slowly, they get the big picture...
Love you kiddo!

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