The Hood
Small town teaching reality. #1 son, middle school student, is now friends with a bunch of former sixers, and they keep showing up at my house. I have a problem knowing how to act. I ask about their reading habits and how they're keeping up with homework. They grunt a few comments and then huddle around the myspace hub, worrying me with fervid typing and loud cackles. I want to offer snacks, but I remember how they threw trash in my bookshelves that time I brought in poptarts. It's all very confusing. I know what some of these sixers are capable of, so I want to keep an eye on them. At the same time, I want to run far away.
I am feeling the awkwardness all the way over here. Can't you just send Q to their houses??
Always move toward the fear. Keep asking about their reading habits and homework. It is called being involved in thier lives. Even though they act like they do not care, they need it.
Remember this is a new situation. It will take a while to work out the appropriate blance.