The Intercom
You see and hear a lot of odd stuff at the compound. You never know as you walk down the hall what you're going to encounter. You may come across some kid screaming his head off telling everyone he passes that he's sure he has a temperature and he really should be at home right now or maybe you'll overhear a kindergarten teacher trying to explain to a child why it's not a good idea to pee in public or you might have to step over a kid blocking the entire hallway as she collects lint from the carpet because she has a lintball she's working on.
Today I was educating some sixers when the intercom blared into our room. This usually irks me but the announcement was a classic and we all laughed to hear a voice proclaiming, "This announcement pertains to the fifth graders. Especially those who are playing a game called "fish" at recess. This game involves running with your eyes closed. Some students are playing this game while on top of the play structures. We would like all fifth graders to stop playing this game as we feel it is unsafe." After some chortling, we all agreed that the game actually sounded like it could be quite amusing.
sometimes i didn't make the best decisions.