The Opossum

After a vigorous slog on Saturday I turned, with pride, into my driveway. Staring steadily at my shadow stretching out ahead of me, I screeched to a halt when I found myself staring into the menacing face of a massive opossum baring its pointy little teeth in a way that can only be described as menacing. I took the back way into the homestead and satisfied my curiosity about this incident by googling, “What would a huge menacing possum be doing in broad daylight in my driveway?” Come to find out, sick opossums do cruise about in the day. Mom possums may saunter about midday as well. Mom opossums give birth to teeny babies who then climb back inside the moms’ bodies and grow in there until they’re a goodly size. One web page suggested that all dead opossums should be checked for signs of babies bungling about inside who may need help getting free of the parental carcass. While I like to think of myself as a helpful kind of person, I truly hope the day never comes that I’m called upon to provide this service.
I've never seen the teeth, but I must admit, the little youngish one that came around was kinda cute.
i agree with anonymous about talking about squirrels. they are scary and gross, too.
now ros is having them.
someone told me once that the animals may represent the wild creative side of my life that i'm not attending to.
not sure if that could be true or not.
happy friday ms kate!
no sign of the opossum this week, but i did learn that they don't hang around. They're always on the move.