The Thing

Dear Auntie Max and Uncle Drew,

Sorry I didn't make it to your anniversary party.  65 years. WOW! Dad told me I should call and apologize, but I'm sending you this letter instead because every time I talk about what I've been through I get worked up and Dad says I need to move on. 

I went to an ice sculpting workshop in St. Paul but I had every intention of being back in time for your party.  The workshop turned out to be a total fiasco. It started off okay.  I got a ride with my roommate's cousin Nils. Remember he came to your barbecue last summer? He agreed to drive me up to Minnesota if I paid for all the gas, which wasn't completely fair because he had already planned to go visit his ex in Frazee for the long weekend.  But anyway, we drove all night and he dropped me off around 9 and took off for Frazee. At this point I was excited, but when I met up with the folks at the registration table things took a steep downhill turn.  

First off, you probably don't know this, but the whole reason I saved blood sweat and tears for this workshop was to work with Yukio Matsuo.  He was scheduled to teach all four days.  I know you most likely don't know who he is, but he's from Japan. This guy has been a huge influence on me ever since I  figured out a ways back that ice sculpting was totally my thing. Everyone in the family knows how important it is to me.  Anyway, long story short, Yukio didn't show up.  The registration guy dropped the news. Some guy from Alaska was now teaching because Matsuo got covid and was still in Japan.  

 I was in shock. Matsuo's book's been like my bible for who knows how long. I asked if there would be any discount or refund but the guy blabbed on about how they don't actually make any money off of the workshop (yeah, right). Claimed everyone was warned of  "unpredictable changes to the programming." (I wasn't).  It was useless arguing with him but I tried.  Believe you me. You know I get loud when I'm passionate about something, but I was getting nowhere so I turned heel and went off to find my team.  I was put with 3 teenagers who had never even heard of Yukio Matsuo.   Idiots.

The Alaska guy was a complete joke. He couldn't teach a kid how to refill an ice tray, let alone lead teams through four days of "advanced artistic sculpting."  As the day went on he royally cheesed me off.  Ignored me whenever I raised my hand and cut me off whenever I gave tips to the teens. Those kids needed my help let me tell you.

At the end of the day the registration guy pulled me aside. He said that he had good news and the workshop organizers had decided to return my fees after all. I told him I only wanted a partial refund. Told him I planned to stay, but he said my credit card had already been reimbursed and that I should leave right then and there.  Didn't even let me stay for the dinner.  JERK!

Nils came back to get me and I spent the next ten days sleeping on a couch at his girlfriend's house.  (They got back together. so Nils extended his stay).  Frazee doesn't have a lot going for it, aside from Big Tom, the world's largest turkey, so I didn't do much up there.  Watched Netflix mostly.

Anyway, I'm home now and I plan to make this whole thing up to you. Maybe I can come over soon to watch a Vikings game.  I'll bring a bucket of chicken.  

Thanks for understanding.  You 2 are the best.  See you soon,



Anonymous said…
Couldn't teach a kid to refill ice trays is brilliant. Still giggling.
John K. said…
Jackson should just ... chill?
cb said…
I can understand why Jackson got so worked up, though.
Mitzi Lewison said…
Love this! Had me laughing out loud a couple of times. Nice going!

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