The Trees

In Indianapolis, there's a Kile Oak that's 500 years old. Oldest tree in Indiana, but before you get in your car with your camera, it's my sad job to tell you that our old oak is closed to visitors because of alleged "safety concerns" after Hurricane Helene.

A basin bristle cone pine is our country's oldest tree. Coming up on its 5000th birthday, it lives in Inyo National Forest in California. Unfortunately I can't tell you more than that because its exact location is kept "secret." Evidently someone decided old tree lovers are shifty, untrustworthy sorts with evil in their hearts. 

The Big Oak pictured above behind 3 of our children is over 200 years old.  Our 200+ year old Big Oak is right there on Big Oak Trail near Lake Monroe.  No one bothers it a bit as far as I can tell.  

Elderly trees probably would enjoy some company.  I hope in 2025 we can lighten up and let the tree fans drop by for a chat and a photo. 

 Until then, don't forget that you can always come to Bloomington if you want to see a majestic tree that's super old. If you're really desperate for some aged flora,  drop by High Street if you want to see our 36 year old house plant that my parents gave us when we first moved to Indiana. It's pretty amazing. 




cb said…
Seeing a majestic tree that's super old sounds great to me. Thank you for the wonderful post and photos. Here's to finding happy times in 2025!
Mitzi Lewison said…
Ha! ha! Nicely done piece my friend. Love the photo of the kiddos!
Anonymous said…
I want to see the houseplant!
Anonymous said…
Houseplant comment by Julie—just realize I didn’t sign in first
Bob said…
wandering the short loop we gazed intently at each tree, asking "might this be the Mathusala tree?". At first we joked about it, presenting each specimen with mock seriousness and laughing. But then we became immersed in detail. The bristlecones look practically dead. They cling to life in a thin, dry, and very windy place. So the secret of which tree really is the oldest got us to look more closely at each individual. I'm OK with not knowing.

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