The Sampling

 There has to be something to write about.  We all know already that my dad died.  

So what else?  

What follows is a bulleted list of possible topics:

  • Funeral service at end of month. Dad's birthday yesterday.  Almost 95.
  • Cleaning out basement. Going well. 
  • #1 Son in Indianapolis this week. Jazz Kitchen. Will be there with bells on.  Literally.
  •  Played bridge. Never made contract. Got moody after 5th rendition of,  "Oh, you were SO close." 
  • Dentist tomorrow. Crown popped off while I was flossing. Never flossing again. 
  • My turn to pick the book club book. Need recommendations.
  • School carnival this Friday past.  Nancer and I did a bang up job of bagging popcorn. 
  • Switchyard Park field trip next week. Working up a history chat. Worried about rain.
  • Annoyed with Northern Lights photos everywhere I look. Dream of mine to see NL. Didn't want to get out of bed. Missed opportunity, regrets.
  • Heading to school for Penultimate Sunday work session.  Adding Sub-Plans to list due to dental situation.
  • Friends and family checking in with love and care this week.  Feeling heartened. 
These are all good topics. That last one is my favorite


cb said…
You make lists so interesting. And that photo is the best. xoxo
KC said…
Never flossing again. The only logical solution.
Mitzi Lewison said…
Love the list!! A way to see what you are up to and thinking about.
John K. said…
Sorry to be so late on this! A great column framework that I'd steal if I still had a column -- genius! And I'd love to read a post on your next bridge adventure.
LH said…
You all know I love comments, right?


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