The Holidays

Thomas Dambo is an artist who makes trolls out of recycled materials.  My goal in the time I have left on this earth is to visit every damn Dambo troll this side of the Merrimack.  

Or I might have another goal.  I haven't decided yet. 

We're visiting my dad at 90Cab.  My dad's doing a lot of sleeping.  I've put Saving Private Ryan on the TV to lure him into a conversation.  He's obsessed with WWII movies.  He wakes now and again, and makes a relevant remark.  My brother reports he stays up all night and sleeps all day. Doesn't make a lick of sense.

Gear Up.  Fall in. Tom Hanks says that every man he kills... the farther away from home he feels.  

I get it. 


cb said…
Those trolls are fantastic. Worth a dedicated road trip.
Mitzi Lewison said…
Wow! I have never seen nor heard of these trolls before. Very awesome! It sounds like things are kind of okay at your Dad's. Have a lovely Christmas!

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