The Arbor Day
Happy Earth Day, Friends. And Happy Arbor Day this coming Friday.
The Department of Natural Resources gives tree seedlings to 3rd graders every year around this time. They gave us pecan seedlings this year. There were a few extra seedlings, so I asked if anyone wanted another. They were snatched up quickly.
I've taken tree seedlings home in past years and never planted them, so I didn't take one. This has actually happened to me more than once and it's a waste of a good seedling. I told the 3rdLanders that they didn't have to take one if they didn't think their family would plant it. One 3rdLander declined the pecan tree.
2 minutes before the end of the day, this character starts crying like a banshee. "I feel guilty that I didn't take a tree," he wails through his tears. I couldn't do much for him at that point, but I understood his sentiments exactly. I too felt some guilt about not taking a tree. What kind of role model am I? What kind of steward of the earth?
I owe you one pecan tree, Earth. I can buy one at the Arbor Day Foundation for 20 bucks. Guaranteed to grow. (If planted and watered as needed).
I could also make a donation to the ADF and call it even steven.