The Medical Narratives


The week began with a procedure that went well and inspired a story idea, which I will share here.  

Iris is in the midst of a colonoscopy when unbeknownst to her a man barges in to the operating room and shoots the doctor and the nurse (formerly lovers).  All others run out of the room and out of the building.  Iris gradually comes to consciousness as the sedation wanes. Waking to the crime scene carnage around her, she slowly puts two and two together.  An image of her large intestine hovers over her from a computer screen. With the 72 inch colonoscopy scope still well wound inside her lower torso, she's not sure what to do next.  

The week ended with a routine trip to the dentist.  Hygienist, super nice woman, talked through the entire cleaning, which I find awkward, but also somewhat engaging.

This gal has 22 chickens.  Each is named and loved.  Last week she rescued Chicken Madeline from a hawk's clutches. When she drives into her driveway, the chickens all run to her car to welcome her home.  After the cleaning I got to see a video of the chickens eating a dinner of soup.  She makes this soup for them when the weather gets cold.  It contains large amounts of cayenne, which helps keep the chickens' bodies warm.  The hygienist is looking for a home for one of her 3 roosters, but will only part with him if she's guaranteed that he will not be culled. (AKA killed).  If no one takes him, she will purchase a new set of chickens for him to start his own brood.  The other two roosters don't want anything to do with him at this point. 

In between these health related events, the week rolled along happily, with some good times in 3rdLand, dinners out with friend Nancer and with Husbandman, and time with my notebook.  Hope your week was also pleasant with some good stories to tell. 




cb said…
Such a great post! Filled with drama and information and fun photos. Wonderful narratives.

I'm so glad that the health procedures went well. xo
Joy Heffernan said…
Poor Iris! I think she needs a rooster.

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