The Big Easy
I met #1 Son down in the quarter today. This is the kind of spontaneous get together I had hoped for when we made plans to hang out in NOLA for a few weeks. We had some lunch and then I walked back to Music Street.
Yesterday we saw #1 Son play some latin music at the botanical gardens. We waltzed by the ticket desk as others were doing, but a worker told us that we had to pay if we didn't have Louisiana residency. We paid the ten each and then wandered out to the lawn. Come to find out, there was a gate wide open on the other side of the lawn area and people were streaming through for free. I have a feeling we were the only ones that paid to hear the music. But it's good to support botanical gardens, so no hard feelings.
There are 2 big music festivals happening here over the next few weeks and #1 will play at both. I'll keep you posted.