Peinture Fraiche

 We're about halfway through our time in Lyon.  Sometimes I wish I could slow down time because come to find out I really like filling my days with strolls and baguettes and writing in my notebook in a coffee shop.  But everyone gets the same amount of time and this experience is a gift, so knock it off, Heffernan, and appreciate what you have.

Today I had a goal for my morning walk and that goal was the Street Art Fest, or as the Lyonnaise call it, Peinture Fraiche.  It was a bit of a walk from the apartment, but I saw swans in the river and the weather was pleasant.  The Street Art Fest was a fantastic event.  Tons of cool paintings, some massively big and some just regular sized.  There was a garden where people could pick up spray paint and graffiti the walls.  Lyon has quite a lot of street art.  Besides spray paint, artists make things on paper and then just glue their pieces in random spots. I'm thinking of collaging in B-town when I get back home.  This could be fun.  If I collaged at school on the weekends when not too many people are in there, that could start some great conversations on Monday mornings.  Just like Britt does with these amazing collages placed around Lyon


cb said…
Britt is very cool. Inspirational.

That was a nice walk through Lyon, thanks for taking us along. Penguins and pottery are a good pairing.
KC said…
Wait a second. You're halfway done already?!
Janet said…
Wait, half-way? How can that be? So happy you are enjoying it!
LH said…
Halfway through our time in Lyon. Then we're in Paris for a few months. So that's bad news and good news.
Mitzi Lewison said…
Love the collages! Can't believe your time in Lyon is half finished. What a marvelous place.

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