The Riders

We watched the John Lewis documentary last night.  Good Trouble.  I just love that title.  This morning I read some articles about the Freedom Riders.  There were only 13 Freedom Riders at first.  John Lewis was one of them.  They got beaten up a bunch of times. They were also thrown in jail. Their bus was bombed.  One of the Riders said that John got hurt many times by white thugs, but that he was incredibly strong and always stayed committed to non-violence.

I'm not sure about my strength.  I've got to work on that.  I want to be like the Freedom Riders.  I want to get into some good trouble this school year along with the new Thirdlanders.


cb said…
Looking forward to reading about the good trouble, necessary trouble.

mm said…
I love the phrase "Good Trouble," and I love John Lewis. I can't wait to see what kind of good trouble you get into with your thirdlanders.
Julie said…
Going to watch this documentary, stat. The Daily podcast about him today was really good. At one point I got goosebumps thinking about how strong his anti-violent stance was.
LH said…
I listened to that today too. Loved it. Great poem at the end!

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