The Lessons

I have 3 or 4 lessons to prepare for tomorrow.  Instead, I'm procrastinating.

I like to be prepared with lessons each week when we're in real life, but if things get away from me, I can still get the job done. With pandemic life, I have to have lessons published and ready to go.

Without published lessons, the Thirdlanders will click on the learning management program tomorrow morning and nothing will be there.  They'll start sending messages to my inbox. I could reply,  "Sorry, Thirdland, I've got nothing. Why don't you work on some math at Con Academy and then do a little writing in your notebook? Read a book if you feel like it? Or not. Whatever."

That wouldn't do.  Let's face it.  I'm going to get my act together soon.  I already know what the lessons are going to be about --- fractions on geoboards, finishing up our zines, the benefits of shopping local.  I've just got to kick it into gear.


mm said…
HA! This was me Sunday night, but stuff was there for them Monday morning.
KC said…
Good job. I'm sure you did it. And I'm sure it was great.
Sandeep chettri said…
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