The Weekend

 #1 Son is playing some bass.  Husbandman is making dinner.  R is resting.  June and HeMan are taking it all in.

I just got off the phone with my dad.  He told me about the Cocoanut Grove Fire.  Boston. 1942. 492 people died.  Father Albert Shea, who was a friend to my grandmother, tended to the injured and grieving.

My Uncle Jack was an altar boy for Father Shea when he said mass in the middle of the night for people who worked in the entertainment industry in Boston.  Dad would go to mass with Jack.  They'd ride the subway at 1am to get to St. James. My dad said, "Jack ogled the showgirls as they came up for communion."

Crazy times.


Anonymous said…
Your dad told me this story this week, too. I tried to ask when he started going to nightclubs himself, but he was evasive on this point.
KC said…
I'm so glad Malala took the time to greet you personally.

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