Action and Adventure in August

 It's time for another blogging theme.  This month we're focusing on ACTION AND ADVENTURE in AUGUST!

It's going to be awesome.

Today for instance, Husbandman and I are driving to a place we've never before visited.  CONNOR PRAIRIE, where we will step back in time to pioneer days.  I'm excited.  Husbandman, less so.

I had a friend who used to be the school teacher at Connor Prairie and that's a job I think I could do.  Maybe I can get an interview for the position.

So, let's blog our actions and adventures this month. 20 blog entries?  Seems doable.  Let me know if you're in like Flynn, so I can read your blog and make interesting comments and VICE VERSA.

Dear Readers, please add your actions and adventures in comments as well.  August can be a scary time for all, so let's be brave and bold, and show this month who's boss.


KC said…
I'm doing this, but I probably won't do it 20 times. I'm sure everyone can enjoy the number of times I get my ACT together for ACTION! :) My goal is 7.
mm said…
I'm doing this!! I'm going to start right now.
jdoc said…
I'm in! It's just the challenge I need. Thanks. Except, I'll start tomorrow because I'm really tired.
Julie said…
I'm certainly in, but I've had about as much action and adventure as I can July! Can I just relive July? ;-O Oh, I'll come up with something.

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