The Starbursts
Today I attended a talk at the Husbandman Conference, given by our good friend Koby. He arrived from Israel a few days ago. Koby invited me to his talk, so I decided to go. Why the heck not? I'm always up for learning something new.
Koby's presentation was the best math conference talk I've ever attended. It was called "Caustics, Impressionism and Starbursts." Koby wove together ophthalmology, art, astronomy and many math equations that I honestly found quite challenging.
Here's my take away. When people look at the stars, we don't all see them the same way. Why is this true? Aberrations of the retina? Probably. I'm not super sure. But I do know that Franciscus Donders got the ball rolling with this mystery in the mid 1800s.
Thank you, Koby, for a most delightful start to my day. I HEART MATH.