The Friend

Our good friend Jayma died on Monday night.  She was recovering from heart surgery.  She was 54.  We're all in shock.  We're trying to cope with this massive loss.  I always described Jayma as, "the best person I know" and the people I'd say that to would inevitably reply, "Yeah, that about sums it up."

 I job shared with Jayma for ten years, me in the morning, she in the afternoon. I don't like to brag, but together, we were nothing short of amazing.  When she wanted to go back to full time teaching, I was a real brat about it.  I couldn't handle that my perfect job with my perfect friend had to go away.   She was patient with me as I threw several tantrums about the end of the job share. I tried job-sharing with some other peeps, and it was fine, but not what I had with Jayma.

For the past few years, Jayma and I have been directly across the hall from each other.  I could see her teaching her Firsties and she could see me with the Thirdlanders. After school, we would chat about the craziness of any given teaching day.  Then we'd get to work.  Around dinner time one of us would yell out, "Come on, pack up, time to go!"

I'll tell you some more stories about Jayma later.  Right now, I'm heading to the funeral home for a visitation with her family.  Please send us all some good thoughts. This sadness is overwhelming.


mm said…
I'm sorry for your loss (and obviously the loss of many). I can't wait for more stories.
Unknown said…
Beautifully said ❤️❤️
Like they said today “she was everything.”
cb said…
Oh, Lee. This is a lovely tribute to your friend and colleague. What a shocking loss. Sending love to you.
KC said…
I'm so sad for you and for all the peeps at your school. Lots of love.

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