The Cats

I need to get my Valentines today or tomorrow.  I've probably left it too late.  Maybe I'll make them.  Red heart.  Kitten sticker. How hard can it be?  I just bought a new pack of kitten stickers.  We have a crew of Thirdlander boys who love cats.  They make up stories and games called KITTY WARS.  In Kitty Wars, cats transform into different super heroes when they need to.  Otherwise, they're just regular cats.

One of our current inquiry centers has to do with zoo enrichment.  At that center, the kids read biographies of cats who live at the Exotic Feline Rescue Center.  These cats have had tough lives.  One kid asked me, "What does this mean....These two lions were rescued when they were found in their cage with their two dead owners?"  I thought the meaning was pretty clear, but we talked through it.

Our centers are about simple machines.  As you probably know the six simple machines are:  Wheel/Axle, Lever, Wedge, Inclined Plane, Pulley, and the Screw.  So after reading about the cats' histories, Thirdlanders look at pictures of zoo enrichment designs to make animals who are stuck in zoos happier and more interested in life.  They also read two books about pulleys.  Then Thirdlanders work with cardboard boxes, pulleys, rope, plastic cups, and about six plastic wild cat toys.  They design an enriched environment for the Exotic Feline Rescue Center cats that integrates simple machines.

The EFRC does a great job of enriching the lives of these cats who have gone through horrors for most of their lives and we acknowledge this.  So trust me... this center is not in any way a disparagement of the EFRC.  We are EFRC fans in Room 200.  The Thirdlanders love this center and they love the cat toys.  One of the Kitty War boys held up a panther to me yesterday and said, "I love him so much.  Where'd you get him, Dr. H.?"

OMG.  NO LIE.  I just got the greatest idea.  I'm going to give the Thirdlanders plastic cat toys for VD.  I just ordered them from that place where you order stuff.  They'll be here soon!

Can't believe that twenty minutes ago I thought I had nothing to blog about. Now, not only have I created a fascinating piece of writing, I've solved a real world problem and clearly am on path to bringing a great deal of joy to others.    LITTLE LEEWAY strikes again.


kc said…
I have greatly enjoyed this post with the details about the centers. I nearly stopped in the middle of the reading to text my teaching partner about maybe doing similar centers. Later during my reading, I realized I have no plans for my own Valentines. Shoot! Excellent and helpful post!!!
cb said…
I'm with KC. Such an excellent post. xo cb

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