The Educated

We drove back from Georgia yesterday.  It was a long drive, but I performed an expert reading of Educated by Tara Westover, which proved to be diverting for all passengers.  When we got home, I needed to finish the book and Husbandman didn't want me to read aloud any more, so I read silently on the couch until I finished my new favorite book.

Tara Westover had tough times with her family.  Her dad was especially bonkers.  Don't even get me started on her brother. I appreciated her comparisons of her memories of events with her siblings' memories of the same events.   It's odd that people remember their shared pasts so differently.  We should probably just videotape every minute of every day so that our memories can be corroborated and we can get to the basic truth of what's going on.

Our trip to The Deep South had mostly ups.  #1 is busy with gigs and fits right into musical New Orleans.  20 Something likes her job and is having a fun time with her friends and her beau, Kyle Kyle Crocodile (KKC).

My dad's house was quiet and calm.  My mom's death will change things for everyone in the house, but only time will tell what these changes will be.  My dad has macular degeneration, and can not see well. I'm nervous about his future, but I'm going to trust that things will work themselves out.  I wish I could write a reverse memoir, that would reveal the future turning out fine.  In my reverse memoir, my dad can make his own peanut butter sandwiches and apply his own eye drops.  He joins a monthly book club and competes in a 5K every once in awhile. He visits us in Bloomington regularly and we eat carrot cake with our coffee in the morning.

Also,  the introduction of my reverse memoir will focus on the immediate, miraculous replacement of our broken furnace.  In the memoir,  it doesn't take four days to replace the broken furnace.  We are warm and comfortable in our home, neither wearing winter coats, nor clutching cups of hot tea in our frozen hands.


mm said…
I can't wait for the publication of the entire reversed memoir. It seems as though you have a great start.
cb said…
Now I want to read "Educated" too. I am finishing "Calypso" by David Sedaris which feels a little like a real-time memoir that jumps backwards every so often. A reverse memoir by you would be great.

I am catching up on some of your blog entries which are deep and calm and a little heart breaking. Those letters your mom wrote. Dear Lord.

Love to you and best wishes for your new furnace.
LH said…
Thanks, MM. Happy Last day of 2018.

Thanks to you Cynthia. You will like Educated. Love you Friend!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
I put this book on Audible a few weeks ago. I'm sure your presentation will be tons better than their presentation.
LH said…
Reading Aloud is in our skill set!!!
You will like this book I do believe, Judith.
Anonymous said…
Finished Educated a week or so ago. A good, but challenging read. I kept wanting to yell "No, please don't go home for Christmas!"

—mem in CA
KC said…
I loved Educated, as you know. I'm happy to know the furnace was finally fixed after the long hard four days!!!!!

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