The Risks


The Baltimore Orioles are flying through this week.  Mitzker took this great photograph.  She invited me over to have wine and cheese and watch the orioles from Baltimore flying about outside, but I told her I had work to do.  

 I do have work to do.  Quite a lot of work.  But come to find out, I'm just noodling away my day. Some would say that it's important to add to daily anxiety, tension and stress with procrastination and avoidance.  As Peter Levitt says, "The riskiest thing a writer can do is try to be safe." 

I'm pushing May 6 to the limit, seeing how risky life can get on this gorgeous Sunday.  Living on the edge, so to speak. Watching the sands of my day slip through the hourglass of folderol. 


mm said…
Keep pushing to the limit... It all works out...
KC said…
I'm glad to see the Levitt quote. I'm putting that at the fore today. And sometimes, it's good to enjoy the weather.

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