The Board
Every May, I am responsible for putting up a massively large bulletin board in our section of the building. I'm always late putting up this bulletin board. This year, I put up the board on Friday after school. Kids will get to enjoy it for the remaining 11 days of the 2017-2018 school year.
We've been studying Bloomington history. The Thirdlanders made posters about outdoor sites in our town that kids can enjoy during the summer. They had to focus on areas of our town that were public and free and that connected to our study of important Bloomington resources.
I had a cool Fifthster cut out big letters for the words GET OUTSIDE! for the top of the bulletin board. As I was up on a ladder stapling the words on Friday afternoon, I decided to be more concise. I just stapled the words GET OUT! across the top. It's more in line with my feelings right now. And I think everyone will get a kick out of it. I myself think it's hilarious.
We've been studying Bloomington history. The Thirdlanders made posters about outdoor sites in our town that kids can enjoy during the summer. They had to focus on areas of our town that were public and free and that connected to our study of important Bloomington resources.
I had a cool Fifthster cut out big letters for the words GET OUTSIDE! for the top of the bulletin board. As I was up on a ladder stapling the words on Friday afternoon, I decided to be more concise. I just stapled the words GET OUT! across the top. It's more in line with my feelings right now. And I think everyone will get a kick out of it. I myself think it's hilarious.