The Offense

Okay, people, it's time to get back to blogging.  This weekend was tough with lots and lots of revising. But I did see a play with some good friends and I also watched the super bowl with some other good friends.  So as usual, I fit in the fun even when I'm working like a madwoman.

 I had a phone call with the production team at Heinemann this morning. I was nervous, but everyone was so friendly and interested in the story behind the book.  It's hard to believe that I met my editor 5 years ago at NCTE and now I'm finally done.  There are still tasks, but the book's going to be published in late summer, so no offense, but I'm basically done writing my book.

The Thirdlanders continue to add to my cheer.  This class is pretty great at getting focused.  Yesterday when I announced at the end of the day, "Let's start getting ready for dismissal," several kids yelled out, "Already???!"   One sweet Thirdlander added, "No offense, but these days just fly by."
      "No offense taken, my friend," I replied.  Then I started jabbering at everyone to clean up the tables and floors and we listened to our clean up music CD which is Waltzing Mathilda.


Anonymous said…
Late summer is pretty freaking soon!!!!!! I love this.
mm said…
Oh, I really want to visit your classroom! Congrats on the book!!
KC said…
That anonymous comment was me.FYI!

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